Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC) conducted state skill competition at multiple locations including K.L. University, Swarna Bharat Trust, Varun Motors Pvt. Ltd., UltraTech Cement Ltd., among others. Over 22,500 candidates registered for the two-day event, competing in 37 skills such as robotics, animation, mechatronics, electronics, web technologies, auto body repair, cyber security, among others. In addition to the said trades, candidates also participated in six traditional skills—Kondapalli Bommalu, Andhra Pradesh leather puppetry, crochet lace, Etikoppaka toys, Udayagiri cutlery and Kalamkari block print. APSSDC declared 72 winners in 31 technical trades and 12 in traditional skills. Challa Madhusudan Reddy, Advisor of the Skill Development Training Department and Konduru Ajay Reddy, Chairman of APSSDC congratulated the winners on their success.
The winners will attend the national skill competition, IndiaSkills 2021, in December. The national champions will then represent India at the global WorldSkills Competition in Shanghai, China in 2022.