IndiaSkills Competition is organised by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), an apex skill development organisation working under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE). IndiaSkills, the country’s biggest skill competition, is designed to demonstrate the highest standards of skilling and offers a platform to young people to showcase their talent at national and international levels. IndiaSkills Competition—regional and national—is held every two years with the support of state governments, industry, Sector Skill Councils (SSCs), State Skill Development Missions (SSDMs), corporates and partner institutes. IndiaSkills Competition has the potential to reach the grassroot level and make an impact.

INDIASKILLS Competition 2021

IndiaSkills 2021 National Competition was held from 6 to 10 January 2022. Participants from 26 states/ union territories displayed their talent in 54 skills such as beauty therapy, cyber security, floristry robot system integration, cloud computing, water technology, painting and decorating, health and social care, among others.

New-age Skills

Seven new-age skills—robot systems integration, additive manufacturing, digital construction, industry 4.0, renewable energy, mobile applications development, and industrial design technology—were introduced to this year's competition, keeping pace with the emerging technologies.

Abilympics – Skill Demonstration by Persons with Disabilities

The competition featured Abilympics, a demonstration of skills by Persons with Disabilities (PwDs), in 16 skills including computer programming, painting, embroidery, poster designing and photography. With such participation, IndiaSkills has taken a major step towards bridging the gap between the demand and supply of a skilled workforce.

Demonstration Skills

IndiaSkills 2021 introduced three new skills—yoga, shoe making (leather) and garment making (leather)—under the demonstration category. These skills were exhibited to showcase competition as well as career opportunities for candidates in these sectors.

To download the result summary of IndiaSkills 2021 National Competition, click here.

To download the handbook and competition rules of IndiaSkills 2021 National Competition, click here.

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